I feel like I must be both reinventing the wheel, and the most
retarded caveman ever to do it,but to expand the functionality of
TiddlyWiki for writing stories, I have been trying to get a macro to
interpret/add inline svg graphics to tiddlywiki.

I have found all sorts of things where people have gone well beyond
the simple thing I want - science graphs, interactive charts, and so
on, and I've found a code snippet (http://softwareas.com/inline-svg)
for doing inline svg that, going by the reactions of seemingly
competent people that posted at the time, seems to obviously just be
something anyone even slightly competent could cut and paste into a
macro and at least get a simple graphic to work.

I'm at the "It's so obvious a child could see it - Go find me a
child!" point - I no longer care if I look like a blithering idiot, I
would just like to know what obvious thing I'm missing that makes
turning this:
<<SVG "<circle r=\"50\" cx=\"50\" cy=\"50\" fill=\"green\"/>">>

config.macros.SVG =
 { handler: function (place, macroName, params, wikifier, paramString,
  { var svg = params[0]
    var svgObject = document.createElement('object');
    svgObject.setAttribute('type', 'image/svg+xml');
    svgObject.setAttribute('data', 'data:image/svg+xml,'+ '<svg>'+svg

into a functional macro so much harder than it seems like it should

I'm almost certain the actual error is on the last line (at least the
macro doesn't deliver an error when it's commented out), but I have
tried pointers, functions 'this', 'here', 'place', and a dozen other
things to get it to actually output the svg into the file as an
object, and I'm obviously missing something.

With apologies for the order of frustration and a side of being a
whiny ***** - <G>. I don't know javascript/DOM, but this looks like it
should be so bloody simple?

Thanks again - Jonnan

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