Does anyone know of a macro/plugin that allows a tiddler to set or
toggle a tag on another tiddler?  I have looked at Eric Shulman's
CheckboxPlugin (, which is
close to what I want.  However, I don't want to display the checkbox -
I want the tiddler to "algorithmically" set the other tiddler's tag.
So for example, something like

<<setTiddlerTag TagName TiddlerName on|off|toggle >>

If TiddlerName was tagged with TagName, then "on" does nothing, and
"off" or "toggle" would remove the tag.  If TiddlerName was not
already tagged with TagName, then "on" or "toggle" would add TagName
to TiddlerName's tag list, and "off" would remove it.

Thanks is advance for any help or direction you can provide.


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