Hello, JD here! 

Before I go all-in on another personal theme-ing journey, I'd like to 
separate a palatable tidbit I can present to you all. 

This is *Panulat-edittheme*, a plugin for those who'd like to dress the 
core edit template a little without theming the whole of tiddlywiki.


As you can see, I've combined *type *and *fields *into a footer-area. Other 
than that, these aesthetics are just CSS. 

*Some features:*

   - Editor Toolbar can be sticky! Even with preview off (browser-based 
   - Mobile-friendly editing, where editor toolbar scrolls horizontally and 
   things are compact
   - Word and character count
   - Toggle on/off the tags area, editor toolbar, and type & fields area 
   via a dropdown while in edit template

You can check it out here: http://j.d.panulat-edittheme.tiddlyspot.com/ to 
see other features and install, if you like. 


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