
I’ve been messing about with the idea of using Tiddlywiki as a blog. I’ve 
managed to address several requirements over the last few days. However, I have 
three questions that I cannot work out  by myself or find information on them 
that I understand.

Firstly, I have installed the menu bar and worked out how to add pages to 
Contents. I have also added additional categories to the bar, such as About, 
Resources and Policies. How can I:

1. Add related tiddles to Policies (say Terms, Returns, Privacy) and Resources 
(say Links, Tips, How To, Questions) so that they are listed and clickable.

2. Make it possible to click on About and go to the page with the information?

My third question relates to the Top-Left-Menu plugin. I want to set this up to 
use for social media. I can add text links without an issue, but I’d like to 
use small linked images. I have no idea how to make an linked image. The only 
info I found on it was in Images on the Tiddlywiki website, but it made no 
sense to me at all. I tried all sorts of things, but was unsuccessful. 

3. How do I make an image called icon.png link to https://www.testsite.com?

Note: The page names, image name and website are all made up.

Let me know if what I’ve typed isn’t clear enough. 

Kind regards

Sent from my iPad

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