Hello everyone,

As some of you know, TiddlyServer uses a "bundled" version of TiddlyWiki
intended to improve startup times and reduce file count. I've finally
gotten my build script to the point that I am confident that it works right
and I've uploaded the bundles to GitHub in two formats -- the current
plugin.info version and a second one that is simply a JavaScript file that
calls $tw.preloadTiddler with the plugin tiddler text.

There are several benefits to this system.

   1. Because they are being served over a CDN, they are gzip compressed,
   which lowers the file size significantly.
   2. They are also properly cached by the browser and loaded from cache
   the next time the page is loaded.
   3. It uses GitHub tags to GUARANTEE that the file will never change, so
   you can safely use the integrity attribute which will save a checksum of
   the script file in your HTML file itself without fear of it ever breaking.
   4. If enough people start using this system, it will significantly
   improve performance for everyone, because once a plugin version is
   downloaded for one site, it is downloaded for all sites. And honestly, the
   core is 2MB so even if that is the main one, it will definitely speed
   things up.
   5. Also, I'm sure the CDN supports all the latest features in connection
   pooling and such features, so I'm guessing the browser can easily batch
   requests for different plugins without too much trouble. Files that get
   used more -- such as core -- get served quicker.

I really want your input on all of this. This is definitely a very big
concept but it also has some very epic benefits. Do remember that this is
mainly intended for public-facing "production" wikis (which is a big area
that a lot of us are trying to explore) but it should work fine anywhere
there is an internet connection.

The current setup that I have is not that user friendly. It would make a
lot more sense to publish the various plugins on NPM where I'm assuming the
version numbers could be controlled easier, but this will help us get

So please offer technical suggestions and ideas. I really want to hear all
of your opinions on this. The performance benefits are pretty major.


Enjoy! Arlen

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