[tw5] Re: [TW5] Delete tiddler on click/mass delete

2024-03-06 Thread Eric Shulman
If you can use a filter to get the list the tiddlers you want to delete, then you can use the delete button (“trash can”) in $:/AdvancedSearch > Filters tab to bulk delete all matching tiddlers. If you want to exclude a few specific tiddlers from your filtered list, you can add

[tw5] Re: [TW5] Delete tiddler on click/mass delete

2024-03-06 Thread Marc J. Cawood
OK, solved it using this info: https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/is-there-a-quick-way-to-delete-old-tiddlers-i-copied-from-main-tw/6143 Make a tiddler called Purge1 with this content (making sure to adapt the filter on the Make Purge2 List button): 1. Edit this Purge1 tiddler and set the filter

[tw5] Re: [TW5] Delete tiddler on click/mass delete

2024-03-05 Thread Marc J. Cawood
Found this thread searching for "mass delete tiddlywiki". Does anyone know how we can mass delete a list of tiddlers without clicking (and confirming) on 1000's of delete icons? On Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 5:14:05 PM UTC+1 Tobias Beer wrote: > Hi Danielo, > > >> maybe you want to update