Hello Community,
Our school-board has just adopted a moodle-based LearningManagementSystem.
Though I am a convinced TiddlyWikian I will use it because it brings advantages in learning-scenarios.
To name these advantages
-Activities like H5P,

...of course als TW has great advantages
- Much faster editing and developping halfbaked thoughts to public texts.
- Searching, combining...
- Beauty ;-)
- the priceless advantage of independence and the guarantee to be able to take your notes and texts with you in a form that is readable deployable anywhere else and for decades... (I already lost months of work in moodle where either I or the LMS quit the institution )

My desire would be to merge the advantages.

One thing that would be great would be a tool to exchange content. For example it would have helped me a lot if there had been an export-to-TW-tool to export the courses at the university. One the other hand I would love to prepare a Moodle-Course in TW (collect, sort and combine ideas and content)

It seems there has been a tool for this back in 2007 for TW Classic and an old version of moodle ( http://moodle.tiddlyspot.com/ ) It would be great to relaunch this project for the new versions.

What are your Ideas?
Has anyone here already taken a look on moodle-programming and knows how this could be achieved?

Best whishes Jan

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