As some of you know, I scanned the HP 5370B time interval counter's manual some time back and put at on my web site. The manual is at (600dpi, 567 MB !!)

with a downsampled 150 dpi version at
as well as the Agilent site.

A new list member, Frank Stellmach has contacted me to say he has scanned the manual for the HP 5370A. I have agreed to host this manual, at least temporarily. I suggested a longer term solution would be to have this on the Agilent site. But it may be found here for now. (42 MB)

Frank has the original TIFF files, so if there are any problems with the manual, he is may be able to correct them. I suggest anyone who is interested should download the pdf, look for any errors, and report to Frank (drfrank.stellmach --at-- any errors you find, or conformation you have found no errors. Please do *not* report problems to me (other than download issues) as I don't have any way of fixing them.

Once any problems are fixed, I'll contact Dave Cunningham at Agilent with a view to getting this put on the Agilent site.

For anyone who is interested in noise figure meters, I have put online recently a paper from the Hewlett Packard Journal describing the design of the HP 8970A noise figure meter. It is quite interesting reading.

There's also an application note on the 8970A noise figure meter

The manual for the meter is on the Agilent site.
David Kirkby,

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