: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] ?Death of TBolt?
I had a TBOLT that developed communication problems and I assumed the
was at fault. Nothing seemed to make it give out PPS or 10MHz.
It turned out that my PC running VISTA had messed with the com port
I had a TBOLT that developed communication problems and I assumed the
was at fault. Nothing seemed to make it give out PPS or 10MHz.
It turned out that my PC running VISTA had messed with the com port
allocations on
the serial to USB converter and although I thought that I had tried
I have developed a problem with one of the TBolt's that I got through TAPR.
I was using it with the supplied power supply to provide a 1 PPS to a Brooks
Shera controller to discipline an HP105B 5 MHz oscillator. I also have a
Z3816A that I was using to clock a 5370B and a 5372A and to compare the