Brooks Shera wrote:
> Recently there has been some mention of the influence of 1pps sawtooth and
> hanging bridges jitter on the performance of a GPSDO.
> It would seem to me that the jitter must average to zero in the long run,
> for if it did not the 1pps signal would drift away from its rela
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Brooks Shera" writes:
>Averaging the sawtooth/bridge correction data for several averaging times
>produced the following results (2):
>Avg TimeStandard Deviation Residual Jitter
>none 8.4 nsec +/- 15 nsec
>30 sec1.53
Recently there has been some mention of the influence of 1pps sawtooth and
hanging bridges jitter on the performance of a GPSDO.
It would seem to me that the jitter must average to zero in the long run,
for if it did not the 1pps signal would drift away from its relation to UTC.
But the questio