The recent thread on the 5370B resolution reminded me of a couple of questions I have about my unit. Mine has a bit of a noise problem so I thought I'd work through the operator verification tests and a couple of the diagnosic flowcharts and see what popped up. The results turned out to be more confusing than enlightening.

In the Operator Verification tests on page 3-12, the format of the frequency readings in step 19 don't match the resolution shown in the specifications on page 1-3. The values in Step 19 seem to have one less digit than they should have. e.g. for the 1 sec. interval they show a target of 10.000 000 0XX MHz while my unit displays 10.000 000 000 X MHz. The other values are also short a digit. Is this a typo in the manual?

When I was working through Figure 8-18 (DAC/N0 Logic flowchart), Box number 50 towards the left-center of the figure states that I should see a result of 10.001 630 MHz. I don't understand where this number comes from since the test is measuring the 10 MHz Ref Out signal. In any case, I'm getting a reading of 10.001 512 MHz. Is this better than spec, worse, or just wrong?

My unit has a serial number prefix of 2732. The manual is for prefix 2904. I looked at the manual backdating pages but didn't see anything to explain these items.


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