 I have recently been suffering form excessive jitter in the PPS TI values as 
seen in Z38xx ( thanks for a great tool Ulrich) and am trying to find the 
I don't have a full view of the sky and  get forced into holdover due to 
satallite loss once ore twice a day. Checking with another 2 Oncore VPs , using 
the same antenna/position as I use for the Z3801A did show that the onboard 
receiver was always picking up at least one less bird, but swapping the 
receivers didn't change the problem status.

So I decided to force the Z3801 into manual holdover and see if taking the 
locking out of the loop would change the  status.
As you can see from the screenshot the jitter dropped to what I was seeing when 
all was ok.

So it looks like I have an issue with locking..still could be my bad antenna 
position I guess.

Anyway, that isn't the subjet of my question.

After putting the receiver in manual holdover ( :sync:hold:init ) I saw as 
expected that the PPS TI values fell off with respect to the EFC which was 
following a steady slope ,  which from the doc I interpret as being that 
calculated to counter aging alone. However after about 8hrs in this state I see 
the PPS TI curve moving back up again. I would have thought the delta to be 
constantly increasing. 

My screenshot exceeds the 128k limit on attachments here size, so I have put it 
Hope you can see it.
Has anyone seen this before? Is it normal? 


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