Message: 9
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:25:27 -0700
From: Brooke Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS: ADEV or MDEV? (Tom Van Baak)
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
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Hi Colin:

That's one sweet meter.  Years ago at work I used them and we had both flavors. 
  One used the old definition of the volt and the other used the new volt. 
Although our cal lab was not good enough to calibrate them we could feed them 
signals and measure their readings.  They differed by the difference in the 
definition.  Quite amazing.

They also can be used as a kind of sampling scope.  As I remember it the data 
is arranged in a strange way.  There might be a driver available from Agilent 
to do the scope thing.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

I can do my own calibration on this instrument. It only requires two artifacts. 
A 10K ohm
standard and a 10 volt DC standard. I have a pair of Fluke SR104 10K resistors 
I have calibrated against a local QHE standard and a Datron 4910 quad 10 volt 
DC standard
that is calibrated against a Josephson junction array. The main reason I love 
this instrument is the
ease of calibration. Using the 3458A, I can accurately transfer most AC, DC and 
resistance values to any other instrument. I think all of the software is still 
available as the unit is still in production. I got 
this unit from GL as part of an aircraft test set. I don't think the other 
bidders knew what was in
it's travel case.

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