Tcc on M1 only supports x86_64 which works with rosetta.
Here is how I compile tcc on my M1 machine:
./configure --cpu=x86_64 --config-bcheck=no --config-backtrace=no
It then works well with only two test suite failures. I use it almost daily
on my MakBook Air M1.
We are probab
Hi list,
I've installed tinycc from mob branch without configure options.
When I try to compile any piece of code, the produced output is for x86_64
architecture :
% echo "int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0 ; }" > test.c
% tcc test.c
% lipo -info a.out
Non-fat file: a.out is architectur
Sam Ellicott wrote:
Example code is here
.global _start
la gp, _global_pointer
la a0, _bss_start
la a1, _bss_end
bgeu a0, a1, 2f
1: sw zero, (a0)
addi a0, a0, 4
bltu a0, a1, 1b
2: # setup the stack
la sp, _stack_end
call main
For example when the `_global_pointer` symbol is encoun