[Tinyos-help] about micaz MIC readings

2007-05-02 Thread Mohammad Allouh
Get a FREE Web site, company branded e-mail and more from Microsoft Office Live! ___ Tinyos-help mailing list Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help

[Tinyos-help] about micaz MIC readings

2007-05-02 Thread Mohammad Allouh
Mortgage refinance is Hot. *Terms. Get a 5.375%* fix rate. Check savings ___ Tinyos-help mailing list Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help

[Tinyos-help] About MIC readings and how to use them

2007-05-02 Thread Mohammad Allouh
hi sorry for the previous email, it is becuase of IE, any way I am using tinyos 1.1.13 , MIB510, MTS300 from crossbow I have implemented an application to read the MIC reading from the sensor node and dispay this value while it is changing my question is:Can I use the MIC readingto estimate a

[Tinyos-help] I need help in a Java Application

2007-04-23 Thread Mohammad Allouh
hi everybody please can any body tell me how to build a java application to read packets from MIB510, i have generated the message class using the MIG tool but i dont know what to do next ?? i still dont know if this application must read the packets from SerialForwarder or not ?? what

[Tinyos-help] sending microphone readings and java application

2007-04-14 Thread Mohammad Allouh
hi everybody i am using tinyos 1.1 and crossbow kit, i have implemented an application by which i can record the sensor readings (the microphone and the photo sensor), put the these readings in a packet and send them to other mote or the base station which is connected to a PC, and my

[Tinyos-help] buzzer support in tinyviz

2007-03-31 Thread Mohammad Allouh
hi.. i have coded a simple application for tone generation and detection, bi\ut when i test it with tinyviz, it seems there is no sound generated... my questuin is: does tinyviz support generation of tone made by the mote buzzer or not, and if not how to verify the application

[Tinyos-help] need help in a tinyos project

2007-03-21 Thread Mohammad Allouh
Hello everybody i am working on my graduation project in which i use wireless sensors from crossbow. the main idea of this project is to determine the approximatelocation and distanceof a noise source using tinyos(v1.1) and the acoustic sensor. my questions are: 1.is this application applicable

[Tinyos-help] some help with tinyos

2007-03-13 Thread Mohammad Allouh
hi everybody, i am planning to do a project on acoustic monitoring and i have some questions: 1. can i adjust the threshold of the sensor's microphone to any level ? and if so, how to do that ?? 2. i tried to use TinyDB application with TOSSIM as mentioned in the documentation and the