I had a similar problem and the following page by Geoffrey Lo
(especially step 2) worked great for me.


On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Romain Bornet <bornet.rom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael, hi all,
>>> Are you sure your CLASSPATH is correct?
> Yes I am sure it is set correctly. The tinyos.jar is found but there are
> simply missing classes in the .jar archive in the current Cygwin RPM.
> I compared the content (with jar -tf tinyos.jar) of the jars contained in
> the tinyos-tools RPMs for Ubuntu and Cygwin linked on the install page
> (http://docs.tinyos.net/index.php/Installing_TinyOS_2.1.1#Step_4:_Install_TinyOS_toolchain)
> and can definitely confirm that some classes are missing in the Cygwin RPM
> compared to the Ubuntu RPM.
> Dumps of the contents are attached as references.
> I now switched to the install process from sources and (almost) everything
> went smooth. I compiled the tinyos.jar myself and it contains all necessary
> Java classes.
> It would be nice if a RPM repository maintainer could upload a new Cygwin
> RPM.
> Thanks all and see you
>     Romain
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Michael Schippling <sc...@santafe.edu>
> wrote:
>> Are you sure your CLASSPATH is correct?
>> If there a directory named net/tinyos/util
>> I think you may be missing the "." in CLASSPATH.
>> If the util directory is not there then something
>> is wrong with the install and you could try redoing it.
>> If there is a good tinyos.jar in CVS someplace you should
>> be able to just go ahead and use it.
>> I don't use T2 so I can't check your work...
>> MS
>> Romain Bornet wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm new in TOS world and just installed a TOS environment on my Cygwin
>>> environment. I could compile some basic application such as Blink but fail
>>> to compile applications involving the tinyos.jar Java archive (e.g.
>>> apps/MViz).
>>> I installed from RPMs as described at
>>> http://docs.tinyos.net/index.php/Installing_TinyOS_2.1.1#Manual_installation_on_your_host_OS_with_RPMs
>>> The installed RPM for TOS is the one given in the step-by-step install
>>> guide:
>>> http://tinyos.stanford.edu/tinyos-rpms/tinyos-tools-1.4.0-3.cygwin.i386.rpm
>>> When running /*make telosb*/ in apps/MViz the make process terminates
>>> with a bunch of errors:
>>> v...@a05pc01-vb /opt/tinyos-2.x/apps/MViz
>>> $ make telosb
>>> mkdir -p build/telosb
>>> javac MVizMsg.java
>>> *_MVizMsg.java:7: package net.tinyos.message does not exist_*
>>> public class MVizMsg extends net.tinyos.message.Message {
>>>                                               ^
>>> *_MVizMsg.java:67: package net.tinyos.message does not exist_*
>>>    public MVizMsg(net.tinyos.message.Message msg, int base_offset) {
>>>                                     ^
>>> MVizMsg.java:76: package net.tinyos.message does not exist
>>>    public MVizMsg(net.tinyos.message.Message msg, int base_offset, int
>>> data_length) {
>>>                                     ^
>>> MVizMsg.java:18: cannot find symbol
>>> symbol  : method amTypeSet(int)
>>> location: class MVizMsg
>>>        amTypeSet(AM_TYPE);
>>>        ^
>>> ...
>>> My CLASSPATH is set correctly but the problem comes from the tinyos.jar
>>> archive which effectively does not contain the message package...
>>> A dump of the JAR content with "$ jar tvf tinyos.jar" shows that the
>>> bet.tinyos.message package is missing (and perhaps others).
>>> I then tried to rebuild myself the JAR with "*/make tinyos.jar/*" in
>>> /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/java but this also fails.
>>> I think that the available Cygwin RPM is somehow corrupt. What is the
>>> best way to go on for me now without having to re-install everything? May I
>>> simply replace my tinyos.jar with one downloaded from CVS ?
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>>    Romain
>>> P.S. Sorry if you received this message twice. It was first rejected due
>>> to a too big attachment (build log for tinyos.jar).
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Ryo Sugihara / r...@ucsd.edu
Postdoctoral scholar, Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego
About my name: http://mesl.ucsd.edu/sugiryo/ryo.html
tel: +1-858-534-9557, room: 3226

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