Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyViz running problems

2006-08-16 Thread jryans
There is a text file at tools/java/net/tinyos/util/Env.INSTALL that explains how to install getenv.dll, which should help with that issue. For TinyOS 1.x, you do need to use Java 1.4, but Eclipse works just fine with that too. As far as your compilation problems, you could try recompiling all the

[Tinyos-help] Re: equivalent to outp()

2006-07-27 Thread jryans
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but in my TinyOS 1.1.15 tree for avr-based motes, those macros seem to be defined in "/opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/platform/avrmote/avrhardware.h". There is a note saying that the macros are no longer included in avr-libc 1.2.3. Perhaps you should just incl