Hello dear all,

I am working on an acoustic project within tinyos-2.x environment.
I am using telosB motes and EasySen expansion sensor board (SBTv80) to
capture voice (microphone) and then transmit it to the BaseStation for
further playback.

Captured sound sampled with 8 Khz and after receivement I convert pcm raw
data (8 bits/sample, 8000 Hz) into wav file.

It seems that I don't have any missing or bad packets. So from this point
of view everything what I receive and save in the txt file is correct.

My problem is that after converting pcm raw data it is too much noise in
the resulting wav file. I can reckognize when there is a whistle or
speech, but that is all what can be perceived.

So I am not sure whether there is a problem with SBTv80 microphone itself
or this can be due to conversion from txt to wav...
I can also provide the code if necessary.

If anybody have any suggestions about this problem I would highly
appreciate your feedback!

Thank you very much in advance.


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