I'm working in an application for Agriculture and I'm using the new ground moisture sensor ECHO 5 from the same family as ECHO10 and ECHO20 (EC-10, EC-20).
Does anybody have a conversion formula for the data? from what I've been seeing in the README file from xbow/apps/xsensormda300 for ECHO 10 for example, in the manual the formula is:

Theta = 0.000936*mVout - 0.376

and they fix it like this for the digital value

result = (int)(100*(0.000936 * (conv * 1000) - 0.376) + 0.5);

and they use the same pattern for all the formulas for different excitation levels... assuming that. For ECHO 5;

Theta= 0.00119*mVout - 0.4 in the manual...then

result = (int)(100*(0.00119* (conv*1000) - 0.4) + 0.5);.....???????

Daniel Villón V.
Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
C/. Jordi Girona 1-3
Modulo C3 Laboratorio 003
Barcelona CP 08034, España
Teléfono: +34 93 289 36 71
Celular:   +34 697 91 43 53
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