I am trying to see the behaviour of packets after collisions.I am sending
packets from two motes A and B at the same time by synchronizing them and
receiving them at third mote C[connected to PC via serial].I have also
disabled the CRC and CSMA but still i am unable to see any collided packets
at the receiver.
I have tried to increase the packet size but still there were no
collisions.The problem is that either i receive packets from mote A or i
receive packets from mote B.and when i am receiving packets from one mote
say A then packets from mote B are dropped [ i have added packet sequence
numbers for that] and then after some time packets from mote B are received
and packets from mote A are dropped.
I think that the mote having high signal strength is able to deliver packet
successfully to the receiver than the one having weak signal.I am using same
motes with same distance form the receiver but still no collisions.
If anyone has an idea that whats going wrong than please help.
Thanks in Advance
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