I am using USB programming board (mib 520), MicaZ motes and tinyos
1.1.15. When I try to install program into one of my motes, I get the
following error:

****ERROR START******
$ make micaz reinstall,4 mib510,COM3
whoami: cannot find username for UID 46570
set-mote-id build/micaz/main.srec build/micaz/main.srec.out-4 4
   installing micaz binary using mib510
uisp -dprog=mib510 -dserial=COM3 --wr_fuse_h=0xd9 -dpart=ATmega128
--wr_fuse_e=ff  --erase --upload if=build/micaz/main.srec.out-4
Firmware Version: 1.8
An error has occurred during the AVR initialization.
* Target status:
  Vendor Code = 0xff, Part Family = 0xff, Part Number = 0xff

Probably the wiring is incorrect or target might be `damaged'.
make: *** [program] Error 2

****ERROR END*****

However if I replace this mote with some other micaz mote (everything
else remaining same), everything works fine.
Is my mote damaged?  How did that happen? Is there any way to correct it?

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