Hi All!

I need help! I hope you can help me!
So, first: I have a MicaZ mote, and a MIB520 programing board.
The micaz mote has a cc2420 radio.

So, how difficult write a tinyos program, what is just for send some given
data to broadcast - ( and it will be received by an assembly program.)
And the other part of this: I need a tinyos program, what is just for
receive data from the air, and save it a fix memory address - so I give the
memory address inside the program. The data is from an assembly program.
Can SY help me in this?
If you have program like these, can you send me? I will be so gratefull,
couse I  have no routine in nesC or Tinyos neither.

So again:
1: TinyOS program send - assembly receive
2: Assembly program send - TinyOS receive.

And the tinyOS parts are important to me!

Thank you in advence!
Peter Kokai
Tinyos-help mailing list

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