[Tinyos-help] Multihop Oscilloscope Java GUI Error

2012-06-04 Thread Mohamad Al-Gailani
Hello I am a student and i am working on a wireless video sensor network using TelosB motes. I am using cygwin and got most of TinyOS 2.1.1 working except for the java GUI, the problem is i got the motes to blink and also communicate using the quick start guide for the basestation and multihoposc

[Tinyos-help] Multihop Oscilloscope

2011-06-04 Thread vinod kumar
hi! I am working over Windows/cygwin with both cygwin/tinyOS installed. I want to check for the graphics in TOSSIM simulation and I checked it over MViz app. I changed my directory to ...apps/MViz and used "make micaz sim" command. After that I changed my directory to $TOSROOT/tools/tinyos/misc