Perhaps what you want is TOSBase (it's an application included with TinyOS). You install it on a mote and this mote will act as a bridge between the radio and the serial port (will send to the serial port everything that hears from the radio and will send to the radio any packet received by the serial port). You program one mote with this application and use 'java' to listen to all packets received through the radio or 'java net.tinyos.mcenter.MessageCenter' (see tinyos-1.x/doc/mcenter.html for more information). Of course, if you just have one mote you won't see anything, you need to programa one or more motes with your program and another one with TOSBase to see ion your computer (using the java programs) what the other motes and sending through the radio or to inject new packets with 'java net.tinyos.mcenter.MessageCenter' or another application.

TOS_Msg is just an structure. You can see it at tinyos-1.x/tos/types/AM.h. If you want to access its fields you just do the next:

TOS_Msg your_msg;
TOS_Msg* your_msgPtr;
your_msg.addr = destination_address;
your_msgPtr->data = "" (accessing with pointer)

If you want to build packets in the PC and sent them to motes you can use the tool mig [1]. But you must declare you message structures in an .h file with a specific format. However, I guess that this is not what you want to do right now.


P.D.: please, post in so that we all can read questions and answers, this information might be extended/corrected by others and might also be useful for others who have the same questions.

mudunuru krishnaveni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
   i have gone through the link u specified ..........but my thing is not yet cleared..........could u pls  elaborate the answer for my doubt..............
  after reading the lesson i understood that TOS_Msg data wraps all the address, payload,data everything..........but my doubt is i want to hardcode the values by giving a packet of data say " helloworld" to be transmitted(to the program) over the radio and see this data transmitted from one radio in the hyperminal by means of uart............
          so ,could u say, where in the program i have to give the address,data.........i.e suppose if i want to  send a packet say " hello world" to one radio and receive the same packet over the other radio and view this packet in the hyperterminal by means of uart , can i do that.............
    another doubt is that, i want one radio to transmit the next packet to the other radio  only after it receives an interrupt from the other radio.......... 

On 9/18/06, Pablo Gil Montaño <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Take a look at [1], and if you still have doubts, ask me (send to the list so that everyone can read).


mudunuru krishnaveni <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > escribió:
       can u help me out with this problem.....................
   i am not able to understand the nesC language in the case of sending and receiving packets......... here i am attaching a sample prog which i have written for sending a packet to the uart.........pls correct the prog if anything wrong.
        the problem of mine is ..............
   1.)  no where i am giving the data which has to be sent to the uart........i am just declaring a buf variable., but not loading data into to do that...........
 2.)  cannt i write TOS_Msg buf[ ]  (i.e in the case of C language we would be using arrays or stack and stack pointers to store the packets and then send them).........
this part of the nesC is a bit confusing to understand i am notable to move forward.........but i have to make up with it can u help me out with this................
                                                             with regards,

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