Hi All,
I get the follwing warning:
nesc1: warning: calls to Receive.receive in CC2420RadioM are uncombined
nesc1: warning: calls to ReceiveCombined.receive in FramerAckM are uncombined
I did read about this and that the messages get fan-out. And I also read that this is handled in tinyos 2.x.
I have the following receives in my application. The configuration file has the following:

FaultM.Bcast -> Bcast.Receive[AM_COUNTMSG];

Bcast.ReceiveMsg[AM_COUNTMSG] -> Comm.ReceiveMsg[AM_COUNTMSG];

multihopM.ReceiveMsg[AM_SURGEMSG] -> Comm.ReceiveMsg[AM_SURGEMSG];

The AM_TYPE of AM_SURGEMSG is 17 and that of AM_COUNTMSG is 24.

My Module file is as follows:

Uses {

interface Receive as Bcast;

interface Receive as multihopM;


event TOS_MsgPtr Bcast.receive(TOS_MsgPtr pMsg, void* payload, uint16_t payloadLen) {


event TOS_MsgPtr multihopM.receive(TOS_MsgPtr pMsg, void* payload, uint16_t payloadLen) {


I know that the two receives are not handled properly. I read the documentation of tinyos 2.x by Dr. Philip Levis but I didnot quite understand how to fix this in tinyos1.1.15.

Please help me understand this and point out what I can do to handle the receive properly. My compiles well without errors and only gives the above mentioned warning. Thanks in advance and I would greatly appreciate any help.









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