
I was using TOS2.x, later I switch back to 1.x because I need to use Deluge. So this is all my settings, nesc compilers, arv tools are all the lastest version, and tinyos is 1.1.15, and I am using cygwin.

I met a very strange problem now and hope somebody can help me out. I was able to sucessfully compile everything for mica2 and mica2dot. Mica2 works fine, but mica2dot doesn't. The problem is after i use Deluge --reboot imgnum=1, mica2dot reboot, but it never reprogram itself, it just simply reboot to the running application before reboot. I am sure the images are correctly injected because I connect mica2dot directly to UART. I have tried several mica2dots, they all have the same problem so I think it should be a software problem.

Then I tried many methods, including install nesc older version and etc, all don't work. Then all of sudden, I cannot compile FormatFlash for mica2dot, after I type make mica2dot under TestDeluge/FormatFlash, it gives me:
      <commandline>: failed to preprocess Format.nc
But i can compile for mica2 and micaz without any problem, and I can compile and run many other applications for mica2 and mica2dot without any problem, just the FormatFlash for mica2dot doesn't work. I reinstalled tinyos, also no luck.

Anyone can think of any solutions for the problems I met? Thanks!

Best Wishes & Merry Christmas to all,

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