I'm trying to get the time in a remote node and then I send it to the base node.
To get the time in the remote node I have used:
I do this call:
uint32_t timelow;
timelow = call Time.getLow32(); //the result is in binary miliseconds

I don't understand why it works well when the difference between the captures 
is bigger.
Examples: Measuring two times in the remote node

With a real difference of 11s, the mote base says that the difference is 
4288ms(binary miliseconds)=4.1875s

With a real difference of  50s, the mote basesays that the difference is 
44704(binary miliseconds)=43.66s

With a real difference of 600s, the mote basesays that the difference is 
607296(binary miliseconds)=593.06s


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