
I'm new to tinyos and I just finished the installation. I'm using
TinyOS-2.x in cygwin on windows 7. I got two problems:

1.When I tried this to download Blink program into imote2, with
"USBLoaderHost -p build/intelmote2/main.bin.out", win7 can't find the USB
driver,it got stuck and kept showing "Device Detected". Do you have met
this problem?

2. When I tried to install the blink program using  command "make
intelmote2 intall bootloader", the log showed that "installing intelmote2
binary using jflashmm", which I think shoud be using USBLoaderHost, right?
And it got the error "Couldn't access giveio device" at last. Do you know
how to solve this?

I'll be very appreciate if you can help me out. Looking forward to your

Best Regards


David Zhao
Tinyos-help mailing list

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