Hello all,

I am looking at the IPBaseStation application.

Since driver under $TOSROOT/support/sdk/c/blip/
driver (specifically serial_tun.c) allows the channel to be changed
dynamically, is there any way that I can inform the motes about change?

P.S.  someone suggested that I should write a component that "listens on a
udp port for a command to switch channels".  Does it means the component on
one hand takes the channel information from the IPBaseStation and, on the
other, pass such change to UDPEcho? If my understanding is right,

1. how can the component read the channel as it is the ip-driver rather than
BaseStation that defines the channel. Can I just let the component to
extract such infomation using c2420config interface from BaseStation?

2. how am I supposed to wire the IPBaseStation, UDPEcho and the new

 Many thanks.
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