> On 9/05/10 11:28 PM, "tanlin" <tan...@seg.nju.edu.cn> wrote:
>>  Hi,kusy
>>         I'm a graduate student of the department of computer science of
>> Nanjing Univercity in China.
>>   Recently, I was reading your paper "The Flooding Time Synchronization
>> Protocol" and  have studied the
>>   implementation code of FTSP , and questions arised about the following
>> code:
>>      void task processMsg()
>>     {
>>         TimeSyncMsg* msg = (TimeSyncMsg*)(call Send.getPayload(processedMsg,
>> sizeof(TimeSyncMsg)));
>>             if( msg->rootID < outgoingMsg->rootID &&
>>             // jw: after becoming the root ignore other roots messages (in
>> send period)
>>             !(heartBeats < IGNORE_ROOT_MSG && outgoingMsg->rootID ==
>>   I was wondering What you use the judge !(heartbeats < IGNORE_ROOT_MSG) for
>> ?What's its functionality here?
>>   I think it is used to ignore the  messages contained the failed root.
>> Detail
>> about such a situation may be like this:
>>   the root failed, but the other nodes still transmit the synchronization
>> message which used the failed root as the
>>   message's root. This may cause that the remain nodes would synchronize to a
>> failed root. Did I catch the point?
>>   or there is some other consideration ? can you give me more informaiton
>> about it ? 
yes, your observation is correct. i've updated the confusing comment in the

>>   Your kind help will be appreciated, Looking forward.
>>   Best Regards!
>>    Tanlin
>> 2010-05-06 
>> tanlin 

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