
I'm having some difficulty understanding task. Specifically, in lesson 2, it
says "You'll see that Led 0 introduces so much latency in the Led 1 and Led
2 toggles that you never see a situation where only one is on. On TelosB
motes, this long running task can cause the Timer stack to completely skip
events (try setting the count to 200,001 or 100,001)." Why would Led 0
interference with Led 1 and 2, and why long running task can cause timer not
fire correctly? Skip events, does event here refer to timer firing?

Another following-up question, can internal function call be preempted?
Suppose foo() is called and an infinite loop is running, such as
void foo() {
     //do sth
Then can radio packets still be received?

Thanks very much for any explanation.
-Xiaohui Liu
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