I have an inquiry from a student that has me stymied. I have no clue how to  
reply. I am hoping that someone on the list might have some relevant 
experience.  The student will be in a seminar that I teach at UNLV for our grad 
students who  are teaching introductory psychology for the first time. She will 
teaching  two sections of Intro starting in another week. As you will see 
she has a  significant visual impairment and is seeking advice about how to 
work around  this problem in the classroom. If anyone has any experience that 
bears on this  quandary, we would greatly appreciate any advice that you might 
be able to  provide.  
I was wondering if you might be able to give me some advice on  teaching.  I 
am legally blind and i am not totally certain how to  handle this situation in 
the classroom.  I am working with Dr. Ashcraft to  try to get a proctor to 
help me with exams.  But I was wondering if you  might know of anyone who has 
taught who could not see very well, and mainly I  wanted to let you know about 
my situation prior to our class on Thursday.   

I don't think I will have any trouble delivering the material, I am just  
more worried about interacting effectively with my students. 
I am also uncertain how I should initially address my situation  to the 
class.  I think it should be addressed in the syllabus, but  I don't know how 
word it, and was wondering if you might be able to  help me on Thursday with 
wording and placement.
Thanks in advance for your help. 

Wayne Weiten
Wayne Weiten, PhD
Psychology  Department
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV  89154

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