A sub-issue of my concern regarding the study of Ebberling (2006) is their 
refusal to share 
data. While we can all think of occasions when there may be good grounds to say 
no,  such 
as when there is a risk of breaching confidentiality or before the researchers 
have had time to present their findings, in most cases this would not be the 
case. And we 
can all think of good reasons to encourage data sharing. Vogeli (2006) noted 
that Robert  
Merton called data sharing "a fundamental norm of the academic scientific 
enterprise". In 
fact, refusing to share data without reasonable cause can itself be a sign that 
experimenters may be trying to hide something. 

Consequently, I've complained to _Pediatrics_ without (at this point, anyway) 
naming the 
authors in question. I received a response which suggests that they are taking 
my complaint 
seriously, and are consulting at an impressively high level on the issue. In 
the meantime, 
with Miguel's helpful post, I've started compiling a list of organizations 
which encourage or 
require data sharing.

The list stands as follows:

American Psychological Association (see the style guide)
National Institutes of Health (USA)
National Science Foundation (USA)
National Human Genome Research Institute (USA)
Animal cognition researchers of the Society for Psychological Science (APS)

So far, I can't find anything which indicates an official position of the APS 
itself, nor the 
Canadian Psychological Association.

Vogelli, C. et al (2006). Data withholding and the next generation of 
scientists: Results of a 
national survey. Academic Medicine, 81, 128--
[see also their accompanying paper Blumenthal, D. et al (2006). Data 
withholding in 
genetics and the other life sciences Prevalences and predictors., p., 137--]


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.       
Department of Psychology        
Bishop's  University          
Lennoxville, QC  J1M 1Z7

Dept web page: www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/soc/psy
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