If you ever get email that your usual junk email filter doesn't catch, there is 
a solution even if you are on Outlook Web Access (and other web access to email 
probably have similar controls, if you poke around). 

Click the Options button will give you access to junk email controls. Clicking 
it you can access block lists to which you can add a specific email address if 
the user of that address happens to offend you. 

Here is a link to a pretty clear explanation of it at Arizona State 
University's site:


It isn't perfect, I can't screen out responses by others to that person. So, 
over the weekend I'll still see mysterious responses to in threads that don't 
appear to have an originating message. Maybe a solution to that will emerge 
over time.

You have the power to control your email, and it only takes a few minutes to 
exercise it and never have to deal with postings that you find obnoxious ever 

Paul Bernhardt

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)


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