As the hunt for the originator of the Freud "iceberg" quote gathers ever
more momentum, I jumped forward to some of the 37,000 Google pages for
"Sigmund Freud" + iceberg. No luck, but I found the following, which shows
that you don't have to be a professor of psychology at Harvard to be
historically ignorant about Freud and psychotherapy - but it helps:

>Freud invented the concept of the unconscious, his most important idea to
stand the test of time, says Drew Westen, a psychologist at Emory
University who has studied the Viennese analyst's contributions. "Before
him, nobody realized that our conscious mind is the tip of the mental

Drew Westen, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry Harvard
Medical School

Home News Tribune ("Central Jersey's voice since 1879") 7 May 2006

Another purveyer of ignorance in the same article:
>[Freud] also pioneered the idea that a therapist could help ease emotional
pain. "He invented psychotherapy," says David Baker, director of the
Archives of the History of American Psychology, based at the University of

And for sheer fatuousness how about this:
>Still, the modern world confirms Freud was prophetic in sensing the power
of religion to channel human aggression into destructive paths, says Naomi
Janowitz, director of religious studies at University of California-Davis.
"He knew there were powerful, aggressive motives that religious leaders
could tap into."<

Is there any psychological notion, no matter how venerable, that has not
been attributed to Sigmund Freud. Verily the United States is still
infatuated with Freud. Where are the fact-checkers?

Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

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