Given all the recent posts on this, thought some might be interested
in the article out of the Guardian today:,12271,850321,00.html

Enviros Claim Attacks On Over 30 SUVs In Richmond, VA
The Guardian - UK 11-29-2

No vehicle in the United States provokes greater controversy than 
the sport utility vehicle (SUV), the bulky four-wheel drive that has sold in 
record numbers. Now it has become the target of acid-like chemical attacks 
by environmentalists. 
More than 30 SUVs in the Richmond, Virginia, area have been 
attacked with chemicals and hatchets over the past few weeks and had their 
tyres slashed. The initials ELF (Earth Liberation Front) were found after some 
of the attacks.
In a statement posted on its website, the ELF said that although it 
had "not received a communique from the cell operating in the area, graffiti 
and notes left at targets are legitimate claims of responsibility and 
indicate the Earth Liberation Front is involved in these actions. ELF actions 
are a reminder to SUV owners of how their personal choices affect the society 
and environment in which they live". 
The ELF said that the SUVs were targets because their drivers 
"contribute to the degradation of the environment at a much greater rate than 
those who drive smaller vehicles - or don't drive at all". 
A total of 3.8 million SUVs were sold in 2001, up from 2.8 million 
in 1998. There are now 20 million on American roads. 
Environmentalists claim that they pollute the atmosphere at a rate 
five times higher than that of ordinary cars, use 33% more petrol than smaller 
cars and are anti-social because it is harder for other motorists to see 
past them on the road. 
They are also three times more likely to cause fatal injuries in 
road accidents because they are so heavy. 

Mike Lee
Dept of Psychology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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