Good morning.  What a week! I've been feeling off balance these
last few days, like I'm in a time warp. My body told me this morning it
was 4:30 a.m. while the clock read 3:30 a.m.  I hate it when people start
messing with Mother Nature.  They just can't patiently wait for the
smooth, natural daily two to three minute shift in light. No, they had to
take a big jump this weekend. It is so doggone strange.  Such an apparent
astronomical jolt throws me out of sync while all of nature around us goes
about its natural business.  So, because of this fiddling with time from
the times of World War II sixty years ago, I went walking forward this
morning while time marched backward.

        On my walk, I was thinking about a batch of messages I was
receiving.  There must be an education class at the University of West
Georgia whose students are sending out requests for advice about their
future profession. I suspect that they are doing so as a class assignment
or at least at the recommendation of their professor.  It's a neat idea. 
If nothing else, it gets us veterans thinking.  At least, it got me
thinking, really thinking. 

        I noticed that almost all of the questions posed by these future
teachers focused on "What should I do?" and "What should I know?"  None
ask the all important question, the visceral question, "Who should I be?"
It's expected.  So many of us think that information about subject and
method is the source of being an effective teacher.  These students will
go to school for years to acquire enough information on how to teach with
the hope and expectation that the information will lead to their success
in teaching.  Likewise, they throw out their questions believing that
experience equally will lead to their future effectiveness. 

        I would suggest to each of these students, as well as each of us,
that he or she already has in his or her hands the means to becoming a
successful teacher.  During the last decade, I have found that everything
in teaching rests ultimately on principles. The greatest rewards, the
greatest sense of fulfillment, the greatest achievements, the greatest
success, and the greatest joy do not come just good intentions, just from
information, just from method, even just from experience, or even just
from great intellect or personality.  They don't offer a bedrock on which
your teaching rests.  They don't form a pattern that will determine how
you teach.  Effective teaching comes as a result of developing simple and
ordinary qualities, basic "truths," fundamental bedrock. These principles
are not about knowing or doing; they are about being.  They are about
accessing the power that lies within each of us.  It is what you think in
your heart, not your head, that you will be. 

        The journey I have taken works for me.  The simple principles I
discovered over the past decade have altered the course of my life, have
changed my attitude towards my profession, have taken me down a path to
peace and joy and contentment and fulfillment.  They have slowly come to
be my foundation.  They have revealed that I am in the place I was meant
to be.  And they have taken me where mere knowledge and experience and
personality and talent have not and cannot.

        So, here are my principles for these aspiring students

        First: live today.  Don't concentrate on the debilitating,
painful, and burdensome heartaches of yesterday's "could'ves, should'ves
and would'ves."  Don't focus on the hesitating "what ifs" of tomorrow. 
Don't waste your precious today worrying about the unknown tomorrow that
is yet to be or mourning the yesterday that is done and gone.  Live only
this day, focused on this hour, waste not a minute.  It truly is all
you've got.  I discovered that as I slowly and arduously stopped being
drained by the pull of yesterday and stopped piling up my concerns about
what increasingly seemed an impossible heap of the what has to be
accomplished, the challenges to be met, the difficulties to be overcome, I
became more authentic, less wasteful, less distracted, more relaxed, more
confident, and more concentrated on what was clearly at hand.  And you
know what?  You can teach for one day. For one day, you can be sweet,
patient, caring, loving, hopeful, faithful, and believing. Anyone can. 
And that is all teaching is about:  teaching in the daylight of today, not
the darkness of yesterday or the dim light of a tomorrow that may never
come.  Make today count.  Don't miss where you're standing by looking back
over your shoulder or ahead to some vague horizon.

        Second:  separate yourself from the flock.  You are not a sheep. 
You are unique.  If you want to be in control of yourself and your
destiny, if you want to be independent, if you want to become who you are
capable of becoming, if you want to do what you are capable of doing,
don't let what others do and think and say control what you do and think
and say. You must be you own person, be truly different, stand out, stand
alone, be unique, be authentic.  Don't let anyone turn off your switch. 
So many of us so easily let others turn off our switch with their put
downs, harsh criticism, and ridicule.  Slights, scorns, insults can hurt
if you let them.  They can diminish your self-confidence and self-esteem
if you let them.  They can stop you dead in your tracks only if you let
them.  Don't give anyone the permission to rain on you and rainout your
game.  Just smile, open your umbrella, walk away, and walk on.

        Third:  do whatever it takes. Go the extra mile every chance you
get today.  Go two miles if someone asks you to go one.  Give someone two
minutes if they ask you for one.  Each day resolve to do more for each
student then asked without consideration of extra pay, a pat on the back,
some medal or piece of parchment.  The one key to turning today into a
glorious success is to give a little bit more of yourself than asked or
expected to each student, give a little more time and effort, caring and
understanding, patience and helping, believing and hoping.  Always render
more to each student, always better serve each student, and you will be
paid for more than you expect.  You will be richer by the amount you give
and poorer by the amount you hoard for yourself.

        Fourth:  don't ever cut corners.  Don't ever ignore
the little things.  Don't rush through the day.  Don't teach hastily. 
Don't be careless to detail.  Don't go unprepared.  Those corners will
wreak havoc with your teaching and with the students' learning.  However
small a task may be, treat it as something important.  Doing otherwise can
hurt your teaching and a student.  It can turn potential success into
failure.  It can change a potential find into a loss.  It can tightly
close an opening. 
        Fifth:  don't hide.  Don't hide from challenge and opportunity
behind the walls of "I'm too busy," "I don't have the time,"  "It's not
me."  You are not too busy for a student.  You do have the time to help a
student.  It can be you.  Just stop hiding behind a stack of files,
folders, papers, and projects.

        My five principles are really simple to state; they are not simple
ones. There is, however, enough power in them, if acted upon and worked at
and implemented each day one day at a time, one person at a time, to put a
glow in your teaching. 

        Live and teach today
        Stand away from the pack
        Go the extra mile
        Don't cut corners and neglect the little things
        Don't hide

        These principles are not icebreaking, occasional acts.  They are
habits.  Choose to make them habits of your heart, you will see farther
than the eye can see and believe deeper than the mind can conceive.  Weave
them together like a coaxial cable until it is so strong it cannot be
broken.  Review them each morning and work to apply them more and more
each day.  Rest everything you know and do on them more and more each day. 
The more you build your teaching on these principles, the brighter your
days will be, the brighter those around you will be, the more resilent you
will be, the stronger you will be, the higher your highs will be, truer
you will be, the straighter your road will be, the greater your teaching
will be. 

        Follow these five principles and you will never do anything that
you will look back on with regret.  You will keep your self-respect, honor
yourself as a person, to honor those around you as persons.  You will
place a moral core at your center so that in your worse times you are at
your best.

        Here are some lines from Emily Dickinson that guide my teaching
and which should guide yours:

                If I can stop one heart from breaking
                I shall not live in vain;
                If I can ease one life of aching,
                Or cool one pain,
                Or help one fainting robin
                Unto his nest again
                I shall not have lived in vain.
        Learn these lines, profess these lines, and live these lines, and
your teaching will be a confession of your teaching. 

Make it a good day. 


Louis Schmier           
Department of History   
Valdosta State University         
Valdosta, GA  31698                           /~\        /\ /\
229-333-5947                       /^\      /     \    /  /~\  \   /~\__/\
                                 /     \__/         \/  /  /\ /~\/         \
                          /\/\-/ /^\_____\____________/__/_______/^\
                        -_~    /  "If you want to climb mountains,   \ /^\
                         _ _ /      don't practice on mole hills" -    \____

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