Hi Stephen and others interested,

Inspired by Stephen's great sleuth work on Bloom/Oxytocin/Sex Differences and 
the Scholar's Creed of yesterday, I finally got off a message to my neurobio 
colleague at Uof Mich on the membrane channels. (Stephen had suggested in an 
off-list communication that a primary reference on the distinctiveness of 
passive and active-transport membrane channels would be useful.)  Richard 
Norman's response is below. Unfortunately, I don't have ready access to the 
texts he mentions to dig up primary references. . . will add that to my list 
for future visits to the medical library. If someone else has ready access, 
let us know if you turn up the seminal paper/s on this !

Sandra Nagel Randall

In a message dated 10/26/99 9:00:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Subj:  Re: "Passive" Na+ channels 
>  Date:    10/26/99 9:00:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>  From:     (Richard Norman)
>  >Are the "passive" Na+ and K+ channels (those conveying ions along
>  >concentration gradients and with electrostatic pressure) the same
>  structures
>  >that are involved in Na+/K+ active transport (but under different
>  conditions)
>  >or are these channels structurally and functionally distinct.  I believe
>  that
>  >we have been able to ascertain that indeed these channels are distinct. . 
>  >but we have not been able to track down the primary references for the
>  >research that demonstrates this fact.
>  Most definitely, the passive and active channels are extremely different.
>  Any good molecular cell or neurobiology book will have lots of details. For
>  example,
>      Alberts, Bray et al, 1994, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd Ed
>      Z. Hall, 1992, An Introduction to Molecular Neurobiology
>      Lodish, Baltimore et al, 1995, Molecular Cell Biology, 3rd Ed.
>  I am at home now and don't have access to a good bibliography, only
>  introductory texts, so I can't give you the best and most pertinent primary
>  sources.  However, these books will have them.
>  However, this is a topic that is so clear that primary literature is almost
>  irrelevant. The most important point is that the active transport (or
>  pumping) of Na and K across the membrane is totally separated from the
>  "passive" flow of the ions across the membrane -- different mechanisms are
>  at work and different proteins are responsible.
>  For example, the sodium pump includes an ATP-ase -- an ATP binding site 
>  can split ATP, releasing the energy necessary for the transport.  The ion
>  channels responsible for the resting potential, the action potential, or 
>  synaptic potentials do not bind ATP, do not split ATP, and do not need
>  energy.  The energy involved in producing these activities is derived from
>  the stored energy in the concentration gradients across the membrane.  The
>  pump is blocked by ouabain, the ion channels have their own separate
>  blocking agents.
>  The voltage gated Na, K, and Ca channels responsible for the action
>  potential are all rather similar, with four large alpha units that can form
>  functional channels.  These are flanked with smaller subunits (different
>  types of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) depending on the channel type.  The
>  pump has an entirely different structure.

>Are the "passive" Na+ and K+ channels (those conveying ions along
>concentration gradients and with electrostatic pressure) the same
>that are involved in Na+/K+ active transport (but under different
>or are these channels structurally and functionally distinct.  I believe
>we have been able to ascertain that indeed these channels are distinct. . .
>but we have not been able to track down the primary references for the
>research that demonstrates this fact.

Most definitely, the passive and active channels are extremely different.
Any good molecular cell or neurobiology book will have lots of details. For
    Alberts, Bray et al, 1994, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3rd Ed
    Z. Hall, 1992, An Introduction to Molecular Neurobiology
    Lodish, Baltimore et al, 1995, Molecular Cell Biology, 3rd Ed.
I am at home now and don't have access to a good bibliography, only
introductory texts, so I can't give you the best and most pertinent primary
sources.  However, these books will have them.

However, this is a topic that is so clear that primary literature is almost
irrelevant. The most important point is that the active transport (or
pumping) of Na and K across the membrane is totally separated from the
"passive" flow of the ions across the membrane -- different mechanisms are
at work and different proteins are responsible.

For example, the sodium pump includes an ATP-ase -- an ATP binding site that
can split ATP, releasing the energy necessary for the transport.  The ion
channels responsible for the resting potential, the action potential, or the
synaptic potentials do not bind ATP, do not split ATP, and do not need
energy.  The energy involved in producing these activities is derived from
the stored energy in the concentration gradients across the membrane.  The
pump is blocked by ouabain, the ion channels have their own separate
blocking agents.
The voltage gated Na, K, and Ca channels responsible for the action
potential are all rather similar, with four large alpha units that can form
functional channels.  These are flanked with smaller subunits (different
types of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) depending on the channel type.  The
pump has an entirely different structure.

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