I looked around the web for pictures of the Hampton Court maze
this morning, and found one fairly good one, but none that show
the entire layout. My trusty, dusty old copy of Munn on The Rat
does have a plan of the W. S. Small (1901), J. B. Watson (1907)
modification for rats, and a drew a sketch which I think is accurate --
I don't have the actual dimensions of the thing, though. Anyway,
the sketch and the link can be found in a draft note on mazes at
by anybody still interested.

BTW -- I was a 15 yr-old tourist at Hampton Court in 1957,
but for some reason, we didn't go into the maze -- or if we did,
those memory cells have fallen out. It's not really relevant -- just
wanted to cheer up whoever it is who was whinging about old
age -- it's all true -- give up on 'students-as-pals' immediately
and prepare for a Shakespearean end: "sans taste, sans taste,
sans eyes, sans every thing..."

        David G. Likely, Department of Psychology,
        University of New Brunswick
        Fredericton,  N. B.,  E3B 5A3  Canada

History of Psychology:

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