A student asked if I thought that there is a curse on the Kennedy family,
given all the noted tragedies.
I told him that I was unable to consult the higher powers,but I gave him
the following ideas to consider:

Selective attention:
The media seem to be concentrating on that family because of their fame.
There must be other families who have similar tragedies but we do not
hear about them.And how about other families who may very prosperous.
Should we ask if there is a heavenly favoritism upon them?

Shared environment:
The family situation may be such that extensive modeling of behavior
has taken place including expectancies of how they should behave.
They all seem to engage in risky types of behave as if they are
invulnerable: drunk driving,touch football on snow skis,inexperienced

A genetic factor?
 It is conceivable that they may be certain genetic predispositions
 partially of Gaellic origin which interacts with the power motive to lead
to those fatal consequences and blinded immoral acts.

I do not buy the Curse of The Irish hypothesis.

Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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