> Michael,
> I'm responding back channel because I receive the digest and I have had 
> problems addressing by clicking "reply".
> Feel free to forward to the list.
> Living and having studied in Lausanne /Switzerland(40 miles away from 
> Geneva), your mail about Piaget woke me from my late Friday afternoon 
> doziness.
> Piaget did try different materials to test his hypothesis on conservation: I 
> show my students a video where a student of Piaget uses clay to ask the 
> children if "there is the same much" (sic) when the clay is presented in the 
> shape of a ball or flat.
> Commenting on these pictures Piaget goes on to say that he has has observed 
> the same patterns of responses in other cultures and he even quotes 
> Africa...
> In a book called "Should we burn Piaget?", written in the late seventies I 
> think(?), Cohen (I haven't got the reference right at hand) argues that 
> Piaget was actually quite euro-centered and that studies in other cultures 
> give very different results.
> Dissident students later showed that things are not always as simple as 
> Piaget would have them with his stages. But as with all pioneers, Piaget was 
> so enthusiastic about his discoveries, (and later got sometimes "stong 
> headed" or is it just the aura that people shrouded him with?) that it was 
> difficult to disaggree with him. It took several years for some of his 
> students, and sometimes a distance, until they were able to even think of 
> questionning the master's ideas. Eventhough, btw, Piaget has always been 
> someone skeptical, even regarding his own ideas, and was always ready to "go 
> and see how it really went" on the field.
> First day of class on Monday for us...
> Have an exciting semester you all.
> I really enjoy reading the postings on this list every day, It is 
> refreshing.
> Greetings from overseas.
> Phil Gervaix
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