For about a week, S. Black and I have been doing an
"after you, Alphonse," "no, after you, Gaston" routine,
and he says it's my turn so ok I lose.  He had sent me
the URL of an excellent UCLA exhibit called Relief of
Pain and Suffering, I said "tell TIPS," he said "too
specialized [this from Body-parts Black!!]," but a
HistPsyc person could tell TIPS. I said, "no, it's
your discovery but I'll tell Chris at Psychwatch,"
and Chris did feature the site. Told Stephen.
Stephen says he likes the Psychwatch, service,
"your turn, tell TIPS."

A toofer, then...  Good sites...

 Relief of Pain and Suffering - informative overview of the
history of
pain research, past to present.

Psychwatch (the site -- sign up to get it as a Newsletter if
you want)
Current "psych in the news," meetings, jobs, conventions...
lots of stuff.

-David (Gaston-no-More) Likely
        David G. Likely, Department of Psychology,
        University of New Brunswick
        Fredericton,  N. B.,  E3B 5A3  Canada

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