TIPSters, the same committee that led me to post a question about course
evaluations now needs information about how much part-time/adjunct faculty
are paid per course and what factors are considered in setting the pay. We
currently pay $1500 regardless of discipline or teacher experience, and
we're finding that it's not enough, particularly in some disciplines.The
committee is supposed to make recommendations about what range we should
shoot for and how to decide what to offer within that range in any
particular case. 
If you are at a college in North Carolina, I would really like to know what
your college pays adjuncts per course. If you're not in NC, I would still
like to hear from you because it would give us some background information.
Please send me replies off-list and if I get more than a couple and TIPSters
want to know about it, I'll post a summary.
Thank you!
Nathalie Coté
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Belmont Abbey College
100 Belmont - Mt. Holly Road
Belmont, NC  28012
(704) 825-6754

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