Hi TIPSters

I'm writing a proposal to teach 2 psychology courses in Paris for 6
weeks over the summer next year.  I might teach intro, social, human
sexuality or psychology of women (I'm still deciding which two).  The
proposal should contain specific references to activities or guest
speakers or visits in the area that would make the courses
worthwhile.    This is where I need your help.  Have any of you ever
taught in France and/or Paris?  What kind of stuff did you do (besides
the usual class room stuff?).  Any of you Francofiles out there who have
suggestions for cool field trips, museum visits or prominent
psychologists who might want to come and speak.


Marie Helweg-Larsen, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508
Voice: (606) 281-3656
Fax: (606) 233-8797

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