For more on Dunlap, see:

Jeff Ricker wrote:
> Jim Clark wrote:
> >
> > > "No one can accept the fundamental hypotheses of scientific psychology
> > > and be in the least mystical."
> > >                                    Knight Dunlap
> >
> > Who is Knight Dunlap and what is the source of this (excellent)
> > quote?
> Knight Dunlap is best remembered for his role in the instinct controversy of
> the early 1920s. He fired off the first shot in what became a salvo of
> criticisms against the supporters of instinct theory in psychology. This first
> shot consisted of a paper he published in 1919 entitled "Are there any
> instincts?" (_Journal of Abnormal Psychology_, _14_, 307-311). His target was
> the instinct theory of William McDougall. According to Dewsbury (1984), Dunlap
> attained the PhD degree at Harvard in 1903, and served on the faculty at
> Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, and finally UCLA where he developed its graduate
> program. In 1917, he founded the journal _Psychobiology_ (which made it through
> only two volumes), and edited the _Journal of Comparative Psychology_ along
> with Robert Yerkes from 1921 (the year of its inception) to 1943. Many thought
> of him as an iconoclast. The quote I use in my signature file is from a paper
> Dunlap published in 1920 in the _Scientific Monthly_ (Vol. 10, pp. 502-517)
> entitled "The social need for a scientific psychology." According to Burnham
> (1987; the book from which I obtained the quote), this paper is an excellent
> early example of the attempt by psychologists in their popularizations to
> expose fraud and unscientific thinking (p. 97 and note 31, p.294; the quote is
> on page 111 of Burnham's book).
> Jeff
> References:
> Burnham, J. C. (1987). _How superstition won and science lost: Popularizing
> science and health in the United States_. New Brunswick: Rutgers University
> Press.
> Dewsbury, D. A. (1984). _Comparative Psychology in the Twentieth Century_.
> Stroudsburh, PA: Hutchinson Ross.
> --
> Jeffry P. Ricker, Ph.D.          Office Phone:  (480) 423-6213
> 9000 E. Chaparral Rd.            FAX Number: (480) 423-6298
> Psychology Department            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Scottsdale Community College
> Scottsdale, AZ  85256-2626
> "The truth is rare and never simple."
>                                    Oscar Wilde
> "No one can accept the fundamental hypotheses of scientific psychology
> and be in the least mystical."
>                                    Knight Dunlap

----------==========>>>>>>>>>> τΏτ <<<<<<<<<<==========----------
John W. Nichols, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Psychology & Computer Science
Tulsa Community College
909 S. Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK  74119
(918) 595-7134


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