TIPS-colleagues -
    Jim Matiya's recent post (sharing the site related to movies illustrating
psychopathology) reminds me of something I have been intending to ask you.
For my personality theories course in the fall, I would like to identify a
small number of movies (ones easily available at the video store) that present
a well-developed character in enough detail to make him/her suitable for
application of various theories of personality.  I plan to ask students to
select one character from a short list that I will provide, and write a
discussion of that character from the perspective of three or four different
    The problem is that I don't watch a lot of movies myself, so I am having
trouble thinking of some good possibilities.  One that I have thought of is
the recent version of "Little Women," with Winona Rider as Jo.  That film not
only provides a lot of information about what Jo is like, but it also shows a
fair amount about her interactions with her family members, such that it would
work for discussing the theories that emphasize early experiences in the
family as important determinants of personality.
    Can those of you with more knowledge of movies help me out with some
suggestions of other movies that might be suitable for my purposes?


Retta E. Poe, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Western Kentucky University
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green, Ky. 42101

(270) 745-4409   FAX: (270) 745-6934

"Live long, and prosper!"

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