[tips] Freud as Researcher

2010-10-17 Thread Rick Froman
In general, the Discovering Psychology video series seems quite good. But I was intrigued by this description of Episode 14: The Mind Hidden and Divided is the fourteenth program in the DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY series. Based on the pioneering research of Sigmund Freud, this program explores ho

[tips] Are genes Left Wing?

2010-10-17 Thread michael sylvester
John's post does not consider concurrent validity. It does not to take into account that a comparison where there is no level playing field is not a fair comparison.The Bell curve was denounced as biased and only recycled the same old biological racism of ethnicity and class and "blaming the v

Re: [tips] Are Genes Left-Wing?

2010-10-17 Thread John Kulig
Getting caught up on email, so only briefly scanned these posts, but two things come to mind about the gene/environment/left/right wing issue. While in my personal experience left wingers seem to favor environmental explanations for individual differences, I have to point out that Marx (Karl,no

RE: Re:[tips] Are Genes Left-Wing?

2010-10-17 Thread Allen Esterson
Chris Green writes: >currently in Montreal... reading and enjoying _The Spirit Level: >Why Equlaity is Better for Everyone_, in which Oliver James is >occasionally cited, which I am sure will rankle Allen's apparently >reflexive Toryism. :-) Ignoring the smiley (which just possibly may be a devic