ome subscribers to TIPS and TeachEdPsych might be interested in a 
recent post "Academically Adrift?" [Hake (2011)]. The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: In "Research on Physics First" [Hake (2011a)] 
<>, I stated that reliance on course grades to 
measure college student learning has been shown to be invalid by 
research on physics education and on collegiate education generally 
as described in "Academically Adrift" <>.

A subscriber responded privately (paraphrasing): "Do you know of any 
cogent responses to or analysis of "Academically Adrift"? The answer 
is NO, except for - see below - the (a) review by Jaschik (2011) 
<>, (b) review by Vedder (2011) 
<>, (c) synopses by the publisher 
<>, and (d) press release <> 
by the "Council for Aid to Education."

But thanks for the excuse to jump back on my soapbox. In "The Physics 
Education Reform Effort: A Possible Model for Higher Education" [Hake 
(2005a)] <>, I wrote:

"How then can we measure students' higher-level learning in college 
courses? Several *indirect* (and therefore in my view problematic) 
gauges have been developed. . . . . .[and] Richard Hersh (2005) has 
discussed two types of *direct* measures developed by the Learning 
Assessment Project <> that evaluate students' 
general thinking ability. But Shavelson & Huang (2003) 
<> warn that 'learning and knowledge are highly 
domain-specific - as, indeed, is most reasoning. Consequently, THE 
indirect and general-thinking measures listed above is the *direct* 
measure of students' higher-level *domain-specific* learning through 
[formative] pre/post testing using (a) valid and consistently 
reliable tests *devised by disciplinary experts*, and (b) traditional 
courses as controls. Such pre/post testing, pioneered by economists 
Paden & Moyer (1969) and physicists Halloun & Hestenes (1985a,b), is 
rarely employed in higher education, in part because of the tired old 
canonical objections prevalent ever since Cronbach & Furby's (1970) 
"How we should measure 'change'- or should we?" - but see "Should We 
Measure Change? Yes! (Hake (2011b)."

Despite the naysayers and its apparent dismissal by a large segment 
of the evaluation community, formative pre/post testing is gradually 
gaining a foothold in introductory astronomy, biology, chemistry, 
earth sciences, economics, engineering, math, and physics courses - 
see Hake (2004a), National Academies (2009), and NCSU (2011) for 

To access the complete 28 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
Honorary Member, Curmudgeon Lodge of Deventer, The Netherlands
President, PEdants for Definitive Academic References which Recognize the
       Invention of the Internet (PEDARRII)

"A paradigm shift is taking hold in American higher education. In its 
briefest form, the paradigm that has governed our colleges is this: A 
college is an institution that exists *to provide instruction.* 
Subtly but profoundly we are shifting to a new paradigm: A college is 
an institution that exists *to produce learning.* This shift changes 
everything. It is both needed and wanted."
           Barr & Tagg (1995).

REFERENCES [URL's shortened by <> and accessed on 29 Jan 2011.]
Arum, R. & J. Roksa. 2011. "Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on 
College Campuses." University of Chicago Press, publisher's 
information, including a synopsis and bio, are online at 
<>. information at 

Barr, R.B. & J. Tagg. 1995. "From Teaching to Learning: A New 
Paradigm for Undergraduate Education," Change 27(6); 13-25, 
November/December; online as a 111 kB pdf at <>.

Hake, R.R. 2011. "Academically Adrift?" online on the OPEN! AERA-L 
archives at <>. Post of 29 Jan 2011 10:00:09-0800 
to AERA-L and Net-Gold.  The abstract and link to the complete post 
are being transmitted to various discussion lists are also online on 
my blog "Hake'sEdStuff" at  <> with a provision 
for comments.

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