Before someone posts that tired old list by Beloit College (or some version of 
it) that purports to demonstrate how entirely different the class of 2014 is 
than us folk who graduated in the 80's and 70's are, please read this column. 
I share this author's opinion. the differences are mainly superficial, and we 
were as different from our parents' generation as they are from us - \
which is not much and in only in ways that aren't very important.
The article is "Mindset Lists and a Mythical Generation Gap" from the WSJ by 
Eric Felten.
Good luck with the fall semester. 
Nancy Melucci
(who can't remember life without email either, and who catches herself 
conveniently forgetting how she annoyed her professors
 in all the same ways that her students annoy her now)
Long Beach City College
Long Beach CA

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