Well, having survived Hurricane Hermine's attempt to smash the house to 
smithereens and blow us into munchkinland, I return with the last part of my 
series of reflections on the meaning of Proverbs 4:23 for the classroom.

        "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the 
springs of life."

        All of who we are, the way we think, the way we feel, how we react to 
those around us depends on our feelings and emotions.     What happens doesn't 
determine what I think, how I feel, or what I do.  How I respond to what 
happens does.   Over the years, I came to understand that only I am in control 
of me.  I know I decide how to feel and what to think at any given moment.  I 
know I have the power to keep doubt, anxiety, fear, and apathy from wrapping 
their hands around me.  No one "made me do it."  So, as Oliver Wendell Holmes 
said, we create the world in which we feel most safe and comfortable.   We live 
there no matter when we are.  But, where is that world?  The classroom?  The 
library?  The archive?  The lab?  Out in the field?  Where?  

        Every moment, we choose our thoughts; we select our emotions.  We live 
inside our own perspectives and expectations rather than in someone else's 
shoes.  Yet, within that world, we can choose thoughts and feelings that can be 
detrimental or beneficial, fearful or fearless, weakening or strengthening, 
depressing or enthusing, discouraging or encouraging, disabling or enabling, 
deflating or energizing, dissuading or persuading, disheartening or heartening, 
  The lesson, then, is: the world of the classroom is determined by how we view 
each student; and, when we change our view of each student--only when we change 
our view--the world of the classroom will change for us.  

        So I ask:  Do we truly make the classroom the focus of our professional 
world?  Do we consciously make the classroom a caring world where we visibly 
enact unconditional faith, hope, and love?  Do we make every student in that 
classroom feel special?  Do we really accept the dignity, uniqueness, and 
sacredness of every human being in the classroom?  Or, are we in the archive, 
lab, or the field while being physically in the classroom?  Do we just idly 
stand on the corner watching the "average," "mediocre" or "poor" passerby's and 
come out only when that "good student"  comes along?  Do we, then, too often 
actively extol the "good student" on one hand and  at best are passively 
resigned to the "mediocre students" and "poor students" on the other hand?  Do 
so many of us simply perceive far too many of them as "I don't have time for" 
or "waste of my time" or "better things to do" or "don't belong" or "they're 
letting anyone in" to be weeded out? 

        I'll leave you with this:  If you are receptive to the miracles in 
front of and within you, you will allow awe to drive out disregard to consume 
your feelings and actions.  If we watch over our hearts with diligence," we can 
cut through the thick fog of dehumanizing, denigrating, and impersonal label, 
stereotype, and generalization.  Then, we can allow the springs of faith, hope 
and love to humanize and personalize everyone, including ourselves, and let 
life flow into the classroom.  

        "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the 
springs of life."

Make it a good day


Louis Schmier                                   
203 E. Brookwood Pl                         http://www.therandomthoughts.com
Valdosta, Ga 31602 
(C)  229-630-0821                             /\   /\  /\                 /\    
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                                             /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                         _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" - /   \_

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